Herbal Medicine Workshops
Herbal medicine is of and for the people. Each plant has such a beautiful and astounding complexity that it could take a lifetime to understand completely.
Herbs contain within them an ancient knowing; a resonance of coming back home. They remind us that we are looked after and mother nature provides us with many means of thriving and surviving. Just as the Earth provides us with everything we need for food and shelter, she provides us our herbs that give us the ability to heal ourselves from diseases and help us thrive in modern times.
During our workshops, we design the classes with the intention of showing you that you are capable of being a herbalist, thriving, gathering and making your own medicine to better your health and wellbeing.
The sessions are fun, easy and include bite-size steps, focusing on identification, properties and actions, energetics and preparations of different plants. We want you to gain the most out of the workshop and therefore only focus on two herbs at the time. This allows us to introduce to the world of herbal medicine and individual plant characteristics in good detail, leaving you confident, wiser and eager to learn more.
You do not need any previous experience of foraging or herbal medicine. All you need to participate is an open heart and mind, and we will sure help to spark a new passion for the world around you.
Herbal First Aid
We love 'People's Herbs' and they love us. Not only does all the First Aid medicine that we need in minor health ailments grows all around us, there is a wide array of herbs that help us thrive and be healthy. Herbal First Aid is offered as 2-hour sessions and is focused purely on the most common medicinal People's Herbs. We only focus on using plants that are seasonal, local and available on the site or land on the day. You will be greatly surprised what medicine grows right by your feet:) During 2-hour workshop you will learn about best human plant allies, how to prepare them and when to use. We will also help you with ideas on how to create your first Herbal First aid kit and send you home with a small herbal remedy.
Walk-About/ Drop Herbal First Aid for festivals:
Great addition to your First Aid team. We are compassionate, caring, earthy and joyful and share the wisdoms of the plants when its most needed. I am also a registered nurse with many years of delivering first and advanced aid in A&E settings, so have great clinical skills and triaging skills if needed for any more serious matters. We forage the herbs at beginning/ on the day of the festival and use them appropriately based on the problem. We do not require any space or additional equipment. We are fully self-sustainable and reliant. We only work with herbs that are easily identifiable, available and safe to use in treatment of minor ailments. Some of our favourite first aid herbs include Yarrow, Self-Heal, Calendula, Ribwort and Greater Plantain and Daisy.
***The material appearing on this site, www.allthingsforaging.co.uk is provided for informational purposes only. As with all health and wellness information, always consult your professional healthcare providers before beginning any new treatment or program. The information on this website is not intended to serve as medical advice and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or disease. The owners of this website assume no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from any action or inaction you take based on the information found on or material linked to on this site or during workshops. We always expect people to do further research before deciding to consume any wild produce and medicine and cannot be held accountable for any side effects or injuries caused by incorrect identification or misuse of any products***